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Hello. I have a child with CF and my doctor recommended treatment with Flixotide. I have given two ampoules / day for 5 days but as I did not understand well, I am not sure if this was right. Then I read the prospectus and I am afraid of adverse effects on children.

Hello dear Madam,
You report that your doctor recommended a therapy with inhalative steroids to your child with CF and that you are worrying you did not give the right dosage.
In general, inhaled corticosteroids play a role in the treatment of patients with CF suffering the same time from asthma or ABPA (which is an allergic reaction to the Aspergillus fumigates fungus). It has to be admitted, however, that making the diagnose of “asthma” in patients with CF is not easy and therefore quite a few CF patients receive inhaled corticosteroids as a “hyperreactivity” of the bronchi has been stated though a clear diagnose of asthma can not be made.
Regarding the aerosol therapy with steroids, several studies have pursued the possible side effects in children with asthma. The results were good in asthma and very rare adverse reactions were registered, for long periods administration (which is necessary in asthma). In CF patients, possible side-effects of inhaled corticosteroids have been investigated. There is a study that showed that the treatment was generally well tolerated and the treatment did not affect urine and blood cortisol and did not cause any increase in airway infections. However, cortisone could have an effect on the growth of the children, as a recent study showed a significant slowing in linear growth in pre-pubertal children receiving dry-powder fluticasone propionate over 12 months compared to placebo.
So in your case of 5-day treatment, it had most likely no side effects.
If you have any questions please contact us.
Pop Prof.dr.L
