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CF have sex/kiss

If I kiss or have sex with a CF patient is this dangerous for her or my health? Can any of the 2 of us get disease from it?
Lung infection is the most important problem in patients with CF. They are very vulnerable to lung infection with specific bacteria. But these bacteria will as a general rule not infect a person with a healthy lung. It often concerns opportunistic pathogens - this means- bacteria that can make somebody ill only in certain specific conditions. There is thus no danger for the partner of the patient with CF. To kiss or to have sex with a CF partner can thus happen as well as with any other person. Other factors to deal with are however coughing spells who could disturb the intimacy between partners.

It is different when 2 CF subjects have close contact with each other. Here the lung infection can go from one person to the other and this is –as a general rule- not to be advised.

Kind regards
K. De Boeck