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Getting pregnant with CF


I want to know, how it is with pregnancies.
I am afraid that I cannot get pregnant. I know some women, who have a child and they are doing much worse than I do. However, the fear is always there. I have stopped the pill last month, and I am waiting for the next menstruation that I can use the Clearblue fertility monitor.
How difficult is it to become pregnant with this illness? In general I am doing well, except for infections in the meantime. But I am making myself completely crasy with the fear not to be able to get pregnant.!

I am 21 years old, 1,60 m high and weigh 47 kg. My FEV1 lies always between 70-100%. Therefore everything is o.k. I think. And infections I only have during the winter.

My friends have it harder with underweight and partly an FEV1 of only 30%!
My partner is very healthy, fortunately. With the pill my menstruation has been regular.
Many greetings
Dear questioner,

Just after stopping the pill the chance of getting pregnant is good, however, please be patient. Also in non-CF people, it lasts up to 2 years until 80% of those get pregnant in case they wish to have a child. Therefore, relax, please. In case your body weight is normal and your menstruation regulary, it looks positively. According to the age, you should probably contact a "childrens'-wish- consultation hour" earliest after half a year for consultation; of course you can do it also right now in order that somebody can take the fear of you.
I would regard your weight as rather borderline small but just sufficient. The menstruation comes always regular when taking the pill, as this is a hormon-deprivation bleeding not the actual menstruation. One has to wait, if the menstruation without pill appears regularly. In case not, please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. A.-U. Stücker