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Transmission of fungi

I Would like to know if two CF transplanted patients could be girl and boy friends even if one takes a treatment against fungi and the other no.
Dear Questioner,

Fungi (aspergillus, scedosporium) are ubiquitous and widely present in our environnement. They grow in soil, decayng vegetation and water. Air plays a crucial role. The contamination occurs after inhalation of spores which explains the preferential localization in lungs and sinus. Sometimes a direct contamination occurs by deposition of spores on the skin (on a wound or burn lesion). I didn't find in litterature any case of interhuman contamination. The risks of contamination are increased in situations of building work or demolition and gardening activity.
For the candida fongus, the situation is different. Candida is normally present on mucous membrane especially on digestive and genital mucous membrane. In the case of genital candidosis, there is a risk of transmission to the partner. Therefore, treatment of both partners is required (even for non transplanted patients).

Best regards
Dr Isabelle Danner-Boucher