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Health problems

My daughter was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis in january at the age of 8 years. My problem is that she complains of headaches, sleep disturbances and belly ache every evening and the pulmonologist tells me that it has nothing to do with CF. I am worried; can these problems be related to her disease, and can I change doctor, because she did not reassure me especially since it is new for me and I do not have to undergo her unfriendly remarks!
As you mention, the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is recent, and such announce is often difficult to cope with. Cystic fibrosis can effectively be responsible of belly ache, headaches and sleep disturbances, but their occurrence, especially the evening, may also suggest troubles with acceptance of the disease, and symptoms of anxiety from your daughter.
Abdominal pain is frequent in cystic fibrosis, and can be related to several causes with potential solutions: adaptation and timing of pancreatic enzymes (before each meal containing lipids), prevention or treatment of constipation. These are the most frequent causes.

For headaches, one must check for sinusitis, but migraines are also frequent in children, even without cystic fibrosis.

Sleep troubles can occur in CF children with respiratory involvement responsible of low oxygen saturation in blood at night, but again anxiety often manifest with sleep disturbances.

Being worried is normal and probably related to new and unknown aspects of you daughter's disease. I believe you could improve your relationship with the healthcare team in talking with them (physicians, nurse, physiotherapist, psychologist...) about your causes of concern. There is more than one doctor in your Centre and there should be an alternative.

I hope I answered your questions,
Best regards,
Dr Sophie Ravilly