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Trampoline use

Is the use of trampoline of interest in a child having chest physiotherapy? For expectoration, for example.
Thanks for your attention.
Trampolines are indeed excellent in many ways in cystic fibrosis. Like conventional chest physiotherapy, they help to evacuate mucus from the lungs. Moreover, they improve cardiopulmonary performance and endurance. Jumping on a trampoline is very fun, especially for children, but even for ‘grown-ups’. They increased cardiovascular fitness, decreased feelings of breathlessness, and developed muscle strength. Finally, they enhance children and adults with cystic fibrosis quality of life. Trampolines are increasingly used by chest physiotherapists especially in Northern Europe. To avoid accidents, the child should be supervised at all times when ‘jumping’ on trampolines.

I hope it answers your question.
Best regards,

Harriet Corvol