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Aspergillus and lawn

I read that grass clipping should be limited to avoid spread of Aspergillus in air and that mowing the lawn should be avoided in the presence of someone with cystic fibrosis.
Does this mean that we should prevent children with cystic fibrosis to play in the grass?
Thank you for your reply.
There is no strict recommendations regarding global or European risk prevention against aspergillosis except for healthcare facilities.
Indeed, when mowing, there is a risk of dissemination of large quantities of spores of Aspergillus and it is recommended that patients with cystic fibrosis avoid mowing the lawn themselves.
Apart from this precaution, they can enjoy parks and lawns for the many leisure activities that are related thereto.
The wisdom is to avoid that children be present during mowing but it is already common sense in terms of security not?
Yann Kerneur