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Sleep disorders

In young CF children (2-3 yrs old), is there more sleep disorders secondary to gastrointestinal troubles?

There is very few data regarding sleep behaviors in CF children and even less in CF infants. In a recent Australian study, the authors described in CF preschool children (6 months to 5 years) the prevalence of child behavioral problems including sleep (Ward C et al., Arch Dis Child 2009). Primary caregivers completed a questionnaire with the item: ‘‘How much is your child’s sleeping pattern or habits a problem for you?’’. Compared to healthy children, children with CF were twice as likely to have sleep problems (45% to 61%), suggesting that CF could have a negative impact on sleep in preschool children.

Furthermore, to specifically answer your question regarding links between sleep disorders and gastrointestinal trouble in CF young children, there is little evidence; apart disrupted sleep secondary to diarrhea or increased gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is common in children with CF and may be associated to sleep disturbances in a bidirectional way: sleep disorders may induce gastrointestinal disturbances, while gastrointestinal symptoms also may provoke or worsen sleep derangements. There are still relatively limited data on this issue especially in CF and/or in preschool children. However, a recent review has underlined the interplay between sleep disorders and gastroesophageal reflux (Jung HK et al., J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2010).

I hope it answers your question. Best regards,

Harriet Corvol