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ABPA and big repairs at home

We plan to have big repairs in our apartment. For years, our daughter has been treated for ABPA. She will leave the apartment in order to avoid any aspergillus contamination. Our question is when should she come back after the end of the works: how long should we wait to avoid any recontamination with an aspergillus still present in the air?

To our knowledge there is no official publication or guideline on this topic, but aspergillus spores quickly settle on surfaces, and it is very likely that 24 hours after the end of the works, there should not be any spore left in the air. It sounds reasonable to wait 24 hours after the end of the works that spores have settle down completely, to realize then a cleaning of the ground (vacuum cleaner or washing, no broom) and the other surfaces (above of furniture, shelves, baseboards, radiators, which will be cleaned with a wet tissue). Now, if the works generated a big quantity of dusts, it can be useful to plan a second cleaning after 48 hours.
All the best,

Pr Jean-Philippe Bouchara and Dr Sophie Ravilly