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Transmission of Pseudomonas

I am a parent of a child resident in an institution for children with cystic fibrosis and multiple disabilities with a section where there are children colonized with pseudomonas aeruginosa.
What precautions should be taken when he attends common rooms ?
It is not always easy to answer a specific question without knowing more details.
Nevertheless, I will try to direct you as best as possible.
Simple and effective measures include hand hygiene and wearing masks for the colonized patient or the patient in contact (if Pseudomonas aeruginosa is present in the ENT) and a distance of 1.5m is not observed between children.
If your child lives in a health facility, there is probably a committee working on hospital-acquired infections and hygiene issues ;
I invite you to contact them/ They should answer precisely according to the building structure, type of patients and organizational development.

Yann Kerneur

7.2.11 This question can not be answered as we do not know if the child here, suffers from CF and if it is Pseudomonas-positive. If it does not suffer from CF or another chronic lung disease, there is no problem in meeting CF-Pseudomonas-positive children. Problems occur if the child has CF and is Pseudomonas-negative. Apart from the question if it makes sense at all to have Pseudmonas negative and positive CF patients in the same institution, rigorous hygienc measures are necessary to minimize the risk for such patients to get also colonized with Pseudmonas aeruginosa.
D. d'Alquen