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additional question

My oldest son goes to playschool and plays with another child with CF. If this child has pseudomonas, can this bacteria be transferred to my daughter with CF through my healthy son?

Is it contraindicated that a child with CF goes to day-care/playschool? Is it contraindicated that a healthy brother of a child with CF goes to day-care/playschool with the danger of transferring bugs to his sister with CF?
As we have replied before; healthy persons are not susceptible for CF specific bacteria. Your oldest son can go to playschool and play with all children without any risk for himself or his sister with CF. Your son will not take home CF specific bacteria.
With regard to your second question: most children with CF can go to day-care or playschool. At specific times, for example, when there are many infections in the day-care it may be advised for a child with CF to temporarily not go to the group. It is best to discuss with your CF doctor whether it is contraindicated for your daughter with CF to go to day-care/playgroup.
We would like to make an important comment with regard to this question: Extra care should be taken when another child with CF visits the playgroup a child with CF wants to go to. Children at that age in the same playschool can not be completely separated and there is the risk of exchanging CF specific germs like Pseudomonas aeruginosa between those children. This is the main reason why it is adviced against 2 children with CF in the one playschool.
Best wishes
Trudy Havermans