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water cure (spa)

I have CF, with late diagnosis, and ENT symptoms (chronic sinusitis and polyps operated thrice) and bronchial symptoms. Are water cures indicated and benefical for CF.
Thanks for your reply
Spa treatments are not generally offered to patients with cystic fibrosis. Several reasons:
1. no studies have demonstrated their effectiveness in treating symptoms of the disease.
2. very few institutions know well enough CF to make the necessary guarantees in terms of hygiene, diet ...
In the case of respiratory diseases, the benefit of spa treatments lies in the possible eviction of allergens (mites absent in altitude) and the therapeutic benefits of education.
On the opposite pulmonary rehabilitation courses with rehabilitation training, dietary management and patient education as practiced for example in Roscoff, or Giens in France and de Han in Belgium are often recommended for patients with a definite advantage . Your CF team is perhaps in relation with other respiratory rehabilitation centers. Feel free to ask.
If spa treatments are sometimes recommended for chronic sinusitis, the precautions listed above apply in cystic fibrosis. Rather than a cure, treatment usually recommended for chronic sinusitis and polyps associated with cystic fibrosis are: nasal lavage with saline or hypertonic 6% (if well supported), local nasal steroids and for some nebulisation of antibiotics or hypertonic saline with a "sonic" nebulizer. An ENT specialist familiar with cystic fibrosis is most often part of the multidisciplinary team and can be recommended by your doctor.

Best regards,
Dr Sophie Ravilly