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air conditioning

We plan to move in an apartment that can be hot in summer. My 2 year old daughter has CF and I'm afraid she might suffer from heat and dehydration. We thought to install air conditioning but we recognize the risks of these facilities. Do you have a position regarding air conditioning at home for CF patients?
Air conditioning systems can be installed in the environment of patients with cystic fibrosis provided you follow a rigorous maintenance of installations, especially filters (surveillance, maintenance and disinfection by a professional). It is also necessary to regularly check the absence of standing water in the system. Any air conditioning has a manual that includes the maintenance recommendations. We must take notice and respect them.
Under this condition, the installation of air conditioning is a good thing to limit the risk of dehydration during hot weather. However you should not omit to take other precautions. To this end, I urge you to visit One recommendation for the general population, is to avoid excessive temperature difference between outside and inside and not exceed a difference of 5 degrees Celsius. However, for a person at risk of dehydration as a patient with cystic fibrosis it seems preferable in a heat wave situation, to privilege an internal temperature optimum around 20-22 ° Celsius and avoid going out in the hottest hours.
Because of exaggerated salt loss in sweat, people with CF must also adapt and increase their intake of salt and water to temperature conditions and activities that increase sweating.
See these recommendations:

You can also ask your CF centre to participate in therapeutic education session to learn how to prevent dehydration and to recognize its warning signs. They may indeed be misleading in cystic fibrosis, especially in young children, due to predominant loss of salt that alters perception of thirst.

Good move
Dr. Sophie Ravilly and Dr. Gilles Rault