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Climate and cystic fibrosis
Hello, what type of climate is most advisable for a patient with cystic fibrosis?
There is no answer based on research on the ideal and most appropriate climate for patient with cystic fibrosis. It is possible to experience a better life in a climate, but it varies among individuals. Many factors are involved in the evolution of the disease, it is therefore difficult to get a perfect combination of factors affecting a good health.
The recommendations are warning about travel in areas with humid tropical climate, from the standpoint of hygiene.
One can also think that major outdoor pollution can affect health adversely.
Proximity to a specialized CF center is an important and recommended point that improves tracking and expertise of patients with cystic fibrosis. Compliance with the rules of basic hygiene is important in any climate.
To reside or more to excercise in high altitude could be a problem due to a lower oxygen partial pressure, especially in case of advanced lung disease. In case of exposure to heat (either travelling or living in hot climate or going out in summer heat) it should be taken into account, that CF patients have an increased loss of salt and fluid and therefore are advised to drink sufficient amounts, probably also to take extra salt in order to avoid dehydration.
I hope this answer will satisfy you
Marythé Kerbrat