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Hello, I am suffering from cystic fibrosis (48 years) and for a few days I have had pain in the sacroiliac joint. I take anti inflammatory drugs but pain is soothed only for a while. Can you explain what I can do?
Thank you for your reply.
Pain of the sacroiliac joint is often treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but the optimal dose should be adjusted with your doctor. In addition, analgesic (anti pain) medication may be necessary at the acute phase.
You could discuss with your CF doctor to take advice from a rheumatologist. In some cases, if pain is very high, he could decide on a local infiltration of steroids into the joint after checking the radiograph of the pelvis. Finally, manual therapies, such as massage by a physiotherapist or osteopathy can provide relief.
Yours sincerely.
Dr. Dominique Hubert