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My three years old daughter will soon start kindergarten, where there is a open sandbox. Is this allowed?
If you live in France, I refer you to a recent and precise paper published by national Education:

which deals with general hygiene, play areas and sandboxes in particular.
Here are things to remember for the sandboxes:
they should not receive runoff water, but be placed in sunny locations, easily accessible for maintenance, closed and covered after each use to prevent dirt or animal waste deposits.
they must be drained at the bottom with drainage device without risk of contamination by sand or pressure rise, and the walls and bottom shall be constructed and maintained to avoid contamination by capillary action.
Sand filling: standards defining the quality and properties of sand are listed below:
Standard FD S 54-206 (Sept. 1998) Hygiene sandboxes. Planning, design and maintenance of sandboxes.
- Standard XP S 54-207 (March 1996) Hygiene sandboxes. Requirements and test methods.
Size (standard P 18-560), cleanliness index (standard P 18-598) and organic matter content (P 18-586 standard).
- Series Regulations and Standards The playgrounds and their equipment.
Reference: 316 58 11, February 1999.

Website: 5Finformation/normesreglementation/airedejeux.htm

Subject to compliance with these rules or recommendations, there is no reason to prohibit access to sandboxes for your child.

Yann Kerneur