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nasal polyps

To avoid the recurrence of nasal polyps a treatment with dornase alpha has been proposed to my 12 years old son who has been surgically treated for polyps 6 years ago. His pulmonary status doesn’t need the use of dornase aerosol. Thanks to tell me what is the interest of such a treatment on sinuses.
Hello and thanks for your question. Up to 50% of CF patients may have chronic rhinosinusitis or nasal polyps. Only few treatments, except surgery, have really demonstrated their interest in this context. Recently nebulized dornase alpha, by reducing the mucus viscoelasticity and by improving the mucus clearance, has shown in studies including few patients that :
1) when prescribed just after rhinosinusitis surgery, it improved, in comparison to nebulized isotonic saline, nasal symptom and lung function
2) when prescribed for a long time, it improved, in comparison to placebo, a nasal symptoms score and the patients quality of life.
More large studies are required to confirm these encouraging data. On the other hand, dornase alpha requires for nasal delivery to use a specific sonic nebulizer with special nostril adaptors.

Pr Jean-Christophe Dubus