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Pulmozyme® (DNAse) and anaesthetic gas

Dear expert team,
are there any hints that Pulmozyme® (DNAse) could have a converse effect in case of an anaesthesia (with gas), that is that the anaesthesia does not function properly in that case?
If yes, how long before one should stop DNAse?
Many thanks for your answer
the background of your question remains unclear to us, therefore your question can only be answered in general.
The literature research does not give a hint on more extended investigations on the topic interaction of Pulmozyme®(DNAse) and anaesthesia gas. In the leaflet of Pulmozyme® interaction with other drugs and other interactions are mentioned. Pulmozyme® can according to this be used with effect and safely together with the CF-standard therapeutic drugs such as antibiotics, bronchodilators, pancreatic enzymes, vitamins, corticoids (systemic and inhalative) and analgetic drugs. Hints on a special interaction of Pulmozyme® and anaesthesia gas in a negative sense for the patient can not be found here. Also questioning of the producing company ofPulmozyme®, could not give further exlplanations. In our opinion, in case of CF patients with a planned operation, who inhale Pulmozyme®, the whole medication has to be clarified inidvidually with the anaesthesist. The degree of the mucolytic effect has to be taken into account here.
Best regards,
Yours Dr. Christina Smaczny