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Portable Bipap devices with storage battery

are portable Bipap-devices available with storage battery in order that the patient can be more mobile (move more freely, also outside)? Where has the patient address to for information? Have the devices to be adjusted individually?
yes on the open-market there are respirators with storage battery from different companies available. From your question one cannot get the information, which kind of respirator you use, therefore we cannot tell you if there is also the possibility in your case. It would be the best if you ask the producing company of your device, if for your respirator there is a external storage battery available. [two concrete names of companies, producing such devices and available in Germany have not been translated here].
Please not that in case of patients who need a 24-hour ventilation, always a second respirator device should be purchased/prescribed.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny