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Soakaway (soakage pit)

Dear expert team,

We are planning a summer holiday with our 13-year-old daughter (CF) in a holiday home in a rural area in France. The house is not connected to the sewerage but has a soakaway that is about 20 m away. Could this be an inconvenience with regards to Pseudomonas or other bacteria?
Of course, the house does have access to drinking water.
Many thanks!
Dear questioner,

a soakaway serves for absorbing human excrement and in some cases sewage. Usually, soakaways are not accessible easily for the residents so that the residents do not get in contact with the “collected works”. Therefore, one can assume that this form of a simple sewage system is not harmful with regards to Pseudomonas or other bacteria from the gut flora.

Best regards,
Prof. Barbara Kahl