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cysic fibrosis severity clasification

I have a 16 year old boy diagnosed in 2006 with pulmonary CF, for half a year, he coughs and he expectorates a lot at every episode during the day; he has no other problems, he is normally developed, he weighs 48 kg. What should I do? In present time he uses inhalations with Pulmozyme, he takes Kreon and vitamins; he is also infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. His doctor said that he will begin a study with tobramicyn, is it ok? I am desperate.

Good afternoon,
What you are telling us suggests an unsatisfactory clinical evolution. So you must consult his doctor for a global evaluation of all the aspects linked to the clinical status of CF, considering that he could have a respiratory exacerbation.
Sincerely yours,
Prof.Dr.Liviu Pop
