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Prof.Dr.Ioan Popa, my name is Maria. I have 2 sons that suffer of CF: Eugeniu 22 year old and Cristian 17 year old. My oldest son is finishing the Law School at the University of State in the Republic of Moldova and he has the occasion of attending postuniversitary studies in Timisoara with a European scholarship. I, as a mother, have great fears about his treatment there. In the present he needs hospitalization once in three months. Tell me, please, if you treat adult patients also in your Center and if my son will have to pay for the medical attendance, not being a Romanian citizen. Thank you for your answer.
Good day,
In Timisoara is functioning the National Cystic Fibrosis Center. The activity of the Center is addressed mainly to the children, but also to students under 25 years old. As long as your son has a scholarship, he benefits of free medical assistance. Therefore he can address to our Center and we will be happy to assist him with any medical problem. Our adresss is:str.Evlia Celebi nr.1-3, Timisoara, cod:300226, Tel: 0256491742, Dr.Zagorca Popa is the coordinator of the center.
With respect, Prof.Dr.Popa Ioan