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We will soon visit friends who have a new pool treated not with chlorine but with salt. They certify that their water is very clean but I do not know if my daughters (both have CF) can bath safely. The hospital that follows them has no clear answer to me, and it seems that there are no studies on this subject;
In advance thank you.
It seems that in the system by electrolysis disinfection occurs when water flows (when the pump is running), while the traditional system maintains a chlorine concentration, whether the water circuit is running or not, which in our eyes is an advantage. However, the filtration salt electrolysis looks bacteriologically effective despite the absence of such a study demonstrating that specific measure would prevent bacterial contamination in cystic fibrosis.

Other responses were made ​​on this forum generally on private pools, do not hesitate to consult them.

And enjoy this fun time!
Yann Kerneur