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Testing of water / water processing

we are planning a holiday on the isle of Corsica with the camper. As our daughter suffers from CF, we are going to rent a complete new camper which is in a good hygienic condition.
How can we test the fresh water on site and what do you recommend concerning the processing in the tank? Are there any good additives resp. some, which you could recommend to us?
Many thanks for your answer!
Dear questioner,
for your holiday there are recommendable possibilities of the processing of water, which are easily available for purchase. For example, you can use sterile filters for procesing of the water for your daughter. Among others, the companies "Pall" or "Aqua free" offer easliy transportable systems. The storage tank should be treated with a Micropur preparation, which should be used according to the manufacturers also in case of new fillings (e.g. from the company Katadyn, which you can find also in the Internet).
I whish you a relaxing holiday,
Barabara Kahl