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Stay in holiday resort

What are all the precautions to be taken during the boat ride and during the stay?
We are planning a trip to Corsica in a holiday resort with our little girl of 3 years
Thank you.
On vacation, you should take the same type of precautions than during the year. Follow the treatments as agreed with your CF team, maintain a balanced diet and especially when hot weather to prevent the risk of dehydration by increasing beverages and salt intake. A boat trip is apprehended as one and all. Seasickness or transport sickness does not spare the CF patients, it is therefore necessary to have something to rehydrate (salty drinks like rehydration solution used for diarrhea in infants) in case your daughter would start vomiting.
You will find a special on holiday abroad in an issue of our magazine "Vaincre" of May 2010 (125) pages 37-38.
If you read English there is a special page and an article written by the team ECORN:

Happy holidays in this beautiful island of Corsica.
Dr Sophie Ravilly