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Outdoors amusement park for children

We would like your opinion on the possible risks associated with visiting an outdoor amusement park. In fact, we plan to spend a day with our 2 year old daughter, but we wonder if there is a particular risk, especially about a contamination with Pseudomonas Aeruginosa.
Children's attractions such as "boat ride" or "logs" are not necessarily submerged but are subject to splashing water (eg / la-riviere-d-adventure /) and they are often the most appreciated by children.
A question about the site has already mentioned parks, but only in terms of "air contamination". This risk seems low in the summer but what about the risks associated with the presence of water.
Subsidiary question: what do you think of “ball pools” (eg Is it really a "nest of germs" as we sometimes hear?
Thank you in for your answer.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous organism in the natural and domestic environment. There are no official recommendations about hygiene, except health care centers, to prevent colonization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The “zero” risk does not exist in hygiene and a pseudomonas contamination is always possible and unpredictable, although the sanitary conditions are met. The parks are not disadvised except for "Center Parcs" because of the humidity in a closed environment. You have well assessed that the risk was lower in the outdoor parks.
About the "adventure river»: the water does not stagnate, these spaces are certainly cleaned but not, or not often, bacteriological controlled. In the end, parents have always to decide between a potential risk and a nice boat trip.
The ball pool is not disinfected every day. Given the number of children who play in it, germs are present and also"play" on the ball pool. At 2 years, it may be better to focus on other activities. The parks are full of varied attractions.
Think about washing hands after messy activities and enjoy your holidays !
Best regards
Marythé Kerbrat