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bacteria private pool

We have a private pool. Despite the usual treatments done, I'm afraid that the water is infected, including Pseudomonas. Is it recommended to perform a thorough analysis of water before each summer through a private lab?
thank you in advance for your reply
Your question seems legitimate because you treat your pool and you want to know the efficacy of this treatment include the face of pseudomonas aeruginosa.
If your treatment follows the recommendations of your supplier and you think that your water is corret: Fresh, healthy, clear, clean, visually, does not irritate the skin, eyes, and do not cause respiratory discomfort, it is likely that your action is positive. Are also advised to clean internal borders, where the water flush.
However, if a bacteriological sampling can reassure you, then I invite you to do and if possible with a certified laboratory for water analysis
And enjoy this fun time!
Yann Kerneur