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Shortness of breath

Hello, I seem to have problems like an asthmatic patient but I do not have asthma. I do not have oedema, I do not have allergies, nobody seems to be able to help me and I have been tested for very many disease. What do you think?
I understand your concern about your medical condition. You should however understand that Ecorn is a medium that gives general information on the disease cystic fibrosis. It is not meant as a sort of internet consultation. Therefore we can only advise you to go and consult a doctor about your worries.

Shortness of breath is a frequent complaint in people with respiratory problems, but the cause can be one of very many different diseases also dependent on the age of the patient. Because you put your question on a platform for cystic fibrosis, I suppose you worry that your shortness of breath could be as a result of cystic fibrosis.

Up till now, the most reliable and most frequently used test to diagnose for CF is a sweat test. You can read about it in other sections on this forum. And we suggest you discuss this with your doctor.

Best regards,

Dr. E. De Wachter