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Mountain Holidays: height limit?

We wonder if there is an altitude limit not to exceed in the mountains (we are planning a stay of 8 days in the Alps at 1800 meters above sea level)?
Our daughter is aged 15 months, and requires daily chest physical therapy .

thank you in advance.
In general, and although there is no scientific data supporting such recommendations, some advise against altitudes over 2000 m for children under 18 months. It is clear that children with pre-existing condition limiting lung function are potentially at greater risk to less tolerate low oxygen due to altitude.

In all people and especially infants, a rapid rise can cause ear pain due to pressure differences. It is therefore advisable to clean the nose (saline) before the start of the climb, and take breaks to breastfeed or drink every 300-500 meters.

At 15 months, it is likely that the respiratory impairment of your little girl is very moderate and she should tolerate this stay; of course, you must continue her usual treatment, in particular chest physiotherapy and confirm with the medical specialist she has no other contra-indication to altitude.

Best regards and happy holidays
Dr Sophie Ravilly