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Physio sessions abroad

Firstly a big thank you to all the team for your answers and tips that help us every day, you're a great help.
We often go to Portugal and Spain, we would like our grandchildren to discover these countries.
Do you have a listing of physical therapists with whom we can approach if physiotherapy sessions were necessary?
thank you

The system of care is different for physiotherapy abroad, since France and Belgium are the only countries to have physiotherapists with private practice or visiting home. Elsewhere chest physiotherapy is usually taught to the parents after diagnosis.

There are several options when travelling abroad:
- Learn how to do bronchial drainage sessions with the help of your chest therapist (liberal or from the CF Centre team) or in courses offered by the the Association AMK with the support of Vaincre la Mucoviscidose.
- Contact the Patient Association (in Spain it is a federation of local associations) or the specialized care centers to ask if there are specialist physiotherapists involved in care of outpatient for foreigner and check what would be the cost.

Here are the URLs for both countries:
Spanish Association:

List of Spanish Centres
Portuguese Association

List of Portuguese Centres

I hope that answers your question and I wish you a nice trip
Dr Sophie Ravilly