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Methotrexate and lung transplantation

A cystic fibrosis patient takes medicine by methotrexate (one injection / week) for rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed 6 months ago with a good result. He thinks about the day he will need transplantation and wonders if he could continue this treatment or not.
Thanks for your answer.
Dear questioner

Methotrexate is not contraindicated after lung transplantation. This medicine has been used in the past as immunosuppressive treatment after transplantation but nowadays is not included in the association of drugs actually recommended.
Among immunosuppressive post graft treatment, some of them could be efficient on rheumatoid arthritis as corticosteroids. It will be necessary after transplantation to see the articular condition of the patient in order to decide the most efficient immunosuppressive treatment equally on rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatologists.

Sincerely yours

Dr Isabelle Danner-Boucher