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Aircleaners or homeventilation


I have been searching the internet to get info about aircleaning/air purifiers and the positive effect it might have on cf.

In the us i can can se many who uses this. It is a machine with a filter(hepa) it is not a humidifier.

here is the link for one

what is your opinion as experts is this a good solution that could help my child age 3 years or is it better investing in a complette home ventilation system like this


Dear L.
Thank you for your question regarding the use of air purifiers and home ventilation systems, in Cystic Fibrosis. There are many types of air purifiers & home ventilation systems available on the market and they make a wide variety of claims regarding their efficacy in reducing air pollutants within the home. They also range greatly in price and can be extremely expensive.
Currently there is no evidence that either air purifiers or home ventilation systems will have any effect on the health of people with cystic fibrosis. There have been many papers written with regard to the use of these systems in asthma and allergic rhinitis and HEPA air filtration systems seemed to come out in the most positive light.
There has been some evidence that ionizer air purifiers can produce ozone which has been shown to cause an increase in respiratory symptoms and therefore should be avoided in people with respiratory conditions.
There are many simple things that can be done to improve the air quality within the home such as
• Good ventilation: regularly opening windows
• Frequent vacuuming and not allowing the bag to become too full before changing it
• Wiping down surfaces frequently and minimising clutter on surfaces
• Extractor fans in kitchens & bathrooms to prevent a build up of moisture
• Cleaning away any mould that develops in these areas as soon as possible
• Minimising carpeted areas in the home
I hope you have found this information useful. I have included some links that you may find helpful if you decided to investigate this further. I suggest this with your CF team.

Dr Laura Jenkins (Paediatrician)
Air filters and air cleaners: Rostrum by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Indoor Allergen Committee
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 January: 125(1):32-38
James L Sublett,MD, James Seltzer, MD,Robert Burkhead, ME, P. Brock Williams, PhD, H. James Wedner, MD, Wanda Phipatanakul, MD, MS and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Indoor Allergen Committee