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strenght training: power plate

Strenght training is recommended to ensure one's health. Is Powerplate possible? Is it possible with a totally implantable venous access device? Is there a risk or a contraindication? For instance can it move because of the vibrations?
Dear User,
The material you question proposes a muscular training through vibrating and accelerating actions. It is indicated for strengthening and wellness.
The French Sports national Institute (INSEP) did test it and abandoned it then because of the lack of results seen with their sportsmen. The following risks may appear in using this device considering the exposure to vibrations: they might increase spinal disorders, awaken a herniated disk and lead to musculoskeletal disorders.
We will add to these risks some contraindications to vibrations: epilepsy, severe diabetes, retinea dieases, severe migraine, tumors, pacemaker, stent, coil, recent orthopedic surgical equipment. The venous implantable device may therefore be a contraindication to the practice of power plate.
In the case of CF, we consider that it is necessary to seek the advice of your CF physician before starting practice of this device.
Best regards.

Claudine Lejosne