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Antibiotic odour

Hello, I have just finished an intravenous treatment with tazocillin one week ago and since the end of treatment my skin smells special ! ! Is it possible or is this a 'hallucination " ???
best regards ...
I am not an expert in dermatology ... so, I, first, had to read a bit of the literature.
First of all, this is not a common side effect, I never heard of this before and people do not complain about this in general.
However, after reading about this topic, it seems possible to me that the intra-venous antibiotic treatment may have altered your bacterial skin flora. Indeed, our skin is colonized by different bacterial strains; the colonization varies from subject to subject and according to age … and some of these bacteria more than others may create ‘odours’. Thus, it could be that the treatment has transiently ‘destabilized’ your skin flora. If this is the case, nothing has to be done: it will regularize without intervention.
Tell your doctor about your observation and be attentive after the next course of antibiotics
In any case I do not think that you are ‘hallucinating’.
Best regards
Dr Christiane Knoop