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MRSA – a danger for asthmatics?

I have CF and am colonised with MRSA (sputum findings) since [time specification is missing]. After weighing possible damages and benefits by my CF centre, MRSA is not treated in my case.

My new boyfriend [could also mean just: friend] is suffering from asthma since childhood.
Is the germ a risk for him as well?

What has to be considered?

Generally speaking Staphyloccoci are everywhere and are a typical infectious agent for everybody and thus for asthma patients as well. This also applies to the particular resistant MRSA. It can happen that a person carries around the germ and spreads it without becoming ill himself/herself. Therefore, it is possible that your boyfriend already carries the germ without noticing it. If you take into consideration how much effort your CF centre (hopefully, probably) puts in it to avoid that you spread the germ, this makes clear that the spreading via your friend could also become a problem if he gets the germ from you. This is the “community aspect”: What does my germ means for other individuals (in the asthma outpatient clinic, at the pulmonary specialist, etc.).
In case the germ would then under certain conditions lead to an exacerbation of the asthma situation (like any possible infection with any possible germ) the issue with the antibiotic resistance has to be considered but is not a catastrophe.
To make a long story short: Yes, there are risks but as always all aspects have to be weighed. An open approach and maybe a discussion of the individual risks of your friend with the asthma doctor in charge can be helpful.
It is worth mentioning that for all of these reasons we usually try hard to eradicate the MRSA by a combination of systemic (antibiotics), local (disinfection of skin and mucosa), and environment (bed, room surfaces, etc.) approaches. In many situations this is successful but in the specific situation of CF unfortunately this is not always the case.

Best regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner