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My boy would normally participate in a mountain trip with his class this winter. The children normally go to the Dolomites, Italy, to downhill skiing with a high altitude (1800 m +).
Are there risks for my 12 years old child ? Is he susceptible to have breathing problems? If so, which ones and how should we react to ?
I admit that it scares me ...
In advance thank you for your reply.
And thank you for your dedication to this site.
Two questions on this subject already exist on this forum. You can find answers by going to "list of topics" and drop the right column to the right, you click on the word "altitude".

These items associated with advises from the medical team that follows your child certainly will bring some answers to your question.

You can also contact the mission "education" of the Association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose to best prepare the stay of your son, adapting as necessary to his health and the care he usually receives. Tel: 01 40 78 91 67/68 or by mail: A special document "school trip" can be filled with you and the medical team.

At this age a school trip is the opportunity to work with adolescent autonomy, and everything must be done to help. We hope this project can be done for your son.


Dr Sophie Ravilly
Find more about altitude and travelling in the paper: Hirche et al 2010 in the Jounral of cystic Fibrosis 9:385-399 :"Travelling with cystic fibrosis: Recommendations for patients and care team members."

D. d'alquen