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stenotrophomonas maltophilia

To which hospital can one address to?
Dear questioner,
your question is too general, therefore it is very difficult to answer. Therefore, we would like to precise your question and to give some background information about the affected person (CF? Age? Complaints? etc.). If you would like this, you could simply ask another question via the expert team and we would like to answer it very much.

Here, in advance some information about the in your question mentioned germ Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. This germ is widely spread in the nature. It can be found in water, ground, animals, plants and in human beings. In CF the germ is frequently found in Pseudmonas aeruginosa colonized patients. Investigations show that Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is in general multiresistant (resistant to many antibiotic drugs) and give a hint, that it could have an unfavourable influence on the course of the illness. A treatment is however only initiated if clinical complaints occurr. In case the germ is detected, no special but the standard hygiene is recommended. In the hospital an isolation of patients with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is not necessary. In case a treatment of a CF patient with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is necessary, the patient can in general be treated in any hospital.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny