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Grape seed oil

Have you heard about the potential effect of grape seed oil against pseudomonas?

Dear questioner,

Actually, grape seed extracts do show an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect against pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, these effects are currently limited to studies with bacterial cultures. At present, there is no use in human medicine.

Grape seed oil itself has a high linoleic acid content (omega-6 fatty acid). Due to an increased metabolic rate in which long-chain fatty acids are transformed to immunomodulators CF-patients generally require a larger amount of essential fatty acids. There is no specific recommendation for supplementation in CF, though. A diet that is rich in linoleic acid rather promotes inflammation. As it is an essential fatty acid, though, which means that it cannot be produced by the body itself, a moderate amount of linoleic acid is needed e.g. for cell repair.

With regard to fatty acids you should follow a diet where the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid is roughly 1:3. In practice, canola and olive oil should be preferred for the preparation of meals and for energetic replenishment.
Additionally, you can use linseed (flax seed) oil and walnut oil or eat walnuts. One or two servings of fatty fish (e.g. wild salmon) per week are recommended. By the way, organic animal products (meat/dairy products/wild-caught fish) have a more favourable composition of fatty acids than conventional products.
I hope to have answered your question.

Best regards,
Suzanne van Dullemen