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Rotavirus infection without symptoms


our son (three years old, in kindergarten since August), has been having rotaviruses for at least three weeks now. It was a chance finding -- the actual reasons for the exam were loss of appetite, abdominal pain and floating stools. He does not show the typical rotavirus symptoms.

Is this in any way connected to his cystic fibrosis? Is there the possibility of something like a permanent infection? What should we do?

(Note: He already had a rotavirus infection as a baby at four weeks and has not been vaccinated.)

Many thanks.
Dear questioner,

the protection from diarrhea symptoms, which you are referring to, increases with repeated rotavirus infections (in the first 5 years of life, yearly infections are quite possible).

I cannot detect a connection to CF.

Particularly adults sometimes have hidden infections which can nevertheless be sites of contagion. Chronic carriers are unlikely if the immune response is normal otherwise.

Kind regards,
Dr. Manfred Ballmann