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adolescence and cystic fibrosis

how can I help my 13 year old daughter while respecting her personality and her desire for independence. I am divorced and I live 450 km from her and I do not see often thank you for your help
From her 13 years, your teenage daughter, strengthens her personality, empowering and builds the foundations of her future adult life around the models and educational values ​​that you provide. It is also precisely the period when all transmissions are being questioned and attacked.

We believe that your presence is important, even if you live far from each other or you do not see each other often. Also we recommend you to offer your daughter to accompany her during her next visit to the CF centre or in hospital stay. You can then, in the presence of someone outside the family - whether this is the referring physician or the psychologist - address your challenges, your concerns about your daughter. The professional will be able to assist you in developing appropriate responses.

Maya Kirszenbaum
Psychologist, Necker CF Centre (Paris)