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Risk behavior and CF

I’m preparing a thesis on risk behavior and CF patients. To this end, I’m looking for CF patients (or someone who knows) to answer questions, including CF patient and alcohol, tobacco, non-observance, sport ...
Thank you in advance and continue to beat you so!
PS: If health care professionals may be interested, I think this would be more interesting for my memory...

Risk behaviors in CF patients is actually a very interesting topic..
About help by health professionals: they are often too few in health centers and are a lot busy by the care of patients. They will have little time to give you even the value of your project.

If you want to contact some patients, you could connect to the "Facebook" ( or to the discussion forum ( of the Association “Vaincre la Mucoviscidose”. I’m sure many patients will be interested and will talk with you on the topic. Another option is to contact the territorial delegate in your area ( to discuss with him and eventually connect with other families, patients ...

Finally, I could only advise you to consult the existing literature on the subject:
- the booklets "MuCo Sans Tabou," published by the Laboratory Solvay Pharma (

- the book "Cystic fibrosis of the child to the adult" (J. Derelle, 1998) remains, in my view, current - ( Excuse me for the length of the link, but it will take you directly to the passage in question
- a free access article: Smoking rates and the state of smoking interventions for children and adolescents with chronic illness. (Tyc VL, Throckmorton-Belzer L. Pediatrics. 2006 Aug;118(2):e471-87. Review.- Free Article

I wish you good luck in your studies and the complete success of your thesis.

Best regards,
Laetitia Guéganton