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Summer camp


Our 13 year old son would spend his next summer vacation in a summer camp and enjoy the adventure.
As he is chronically colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, he receives Colistin inhalation and Pulmozyme daily. His FEV1 is 95% and he is very fit, but we are not "hot" for him to go camping. What about hostels or summer camps in terms of hygienic rules ?
Do you have addresses of institutions adapted (not for IV treatments !) Or vacation ideas that meet the constraints of care while taking into account their need for emancipation?
thank you in advance for your advice
Your son's desire for emancipation is normal for his age and preparing the organization of a summer camp is an excellent opportunity to enhance its autonomy.

Regarding the risk of infection in a tent, a youth hostel or a structure hosting summer camps, it is generally low and can be controlled with the usual precautions you take at home or when you go on vacation with your son.

As for the organization of a school trip, careful preparation is desirable by involving your son. Partnerships have been signed between the Association "Etoile des Neiges" and French agencies UCPA and SEJ for the reception of children with cystic fibrosis (one at a time), but many others are certainly ready to do so. I suggest you find out about opportunities to achieve a daily treatment with aerosol. The answer will guide you quickly to the ease of the camp administrator to adapt to children with special needs. The French Association "Vaincre la Mucoviscidose" has developed forms to help organize care at school for both regular school time and for school trips ( in French and in English). This form can serve as a basis for considering the totality of support during the stay. The most important thing will actually make clear the constraints of the disease so that precautions and care are set up and not neglected, but without generating unnecessary anxiety among the camp leaders or your child.

Do not hesitate to involve the CF centre in the preparation of this project and to read the answers already posted on this site on similar topics:

Wishing your son a full development in this project,

Dr Sophie Ravilly