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Sexual problems

My nephew is 18 and he suffers from CF. He doesn´t want to live and we think that he has problems with his girlfriend. I don´t know how to approach this problem and ask him. Is there a possibility that he has sexual problems?

Thank you for your question, which is rather delicate.

Your nephew may have both relationship and sexual problems, even though mens' sex life or potency isn´t primarily influenced by CF. It would definitely be a good idea to persuade him to cooperate. You can explain to him that he can consult his attitudes and feelings with a psychologist and find out about his real situation this way. His problem may also lie in something altogether different, e.g. in confrontation with his peers or possibilities of free-time activities. There is also the possibility of depressive reaction to the fact of a limited life perspective.

Another important aspect to consider is the fact that men suffering from CF often cannot father their children in a natural way, since the tubes that carry sperm in their reproductive organs are blocked. Sperm is produced in the organs, however it doesn´t reach the tubes and the men cannot impregnate their partners. This can be solved by a small surgical procedure, during which sperm is taken or stored in a sperm bank and is used later in the process of artificial insemination. As infertility is the problem in most (98%) but not all men with CF, it is important to assert whether the man in question is or isn´t infertile. This problem, however, doesn´t affect the sexual life or potency of men with CF. Potency and fertility are not related in any way.

For the above stated reasons and owing to your obvious concern we recommend that you contact your nephew's CF specialist, who will provide the young man with a contact of a specialised psychologist.
Dr. J. Brázová