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Turtles (tortoise) and cystic fibrosis

My granddaughter is in contact at her nanny, with tortoises (land turtles). Do they carry viruses? They are frequently subject to runny nose syndrome." Is this a risk for someone with CF? Thank you for your response.
Not being an expert on turtles, I would give you good sense advice and some results of literature search.

We must first remember that any contact between an animal and a human being can be the source of the exchange of bacteria, viruses or parasites. When one of them has a contagious infectious disease, it is best to avoid any contact that is not necessary, or to take precautions such as hand washing.

Sea turtles but also land turtles called tortoises seems more likely to transmit germs that cause gastrointestinal infections such as salmonella. I discovered that tortoise can present with rhinitis which may have multiple causes: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and it is all the more if they are weakened and in poor condition. If symptoms are dragging the turtle may warrant consultation with a veterinarian familiar with treating these animals.

I hope that answers your question
Best regards,

Dr Sophie Ravilly