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Lung Clearance Index

In witch hospital from abroad, could we do the lung clearance index for a child, 3 years old, with cystic fibrosis? We are interested in a hospital who receive private patients. Can you send me contact details? Thanks
Determination of lung clearance index (LCI) is a reliable marker for assessment of lung function in children, being feasible even in cases when spirometry can not be performed. LCI is determined by multiple breath washout technique and is currently considered a very sensitive tool for evaluation of airway disease in cystic fibrosis. The method is used in specialized centers of Pediatric Pneumology in Europe, e.g. UK, France etc. If you want to know where you can do this investigation, please specify the country where you want to go. We will be glad to help you with contact information.
Sincerely yours,
dr Ioana Ciuca