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diabetes and CF

Is it possible for patiens with CF to suffer from diabetes due to CF? If yes, what should a mother do for her baby, in order to minimize this possibility? Is it a diet issue? Can it be avoided?
Dear friend,
In a child with CF and pancreatic insufficiency the chances for diabetes increase as the child gets older.
A large percentage of patients with CF will suffer from diabetes by the age of 40, but we do not know which patients these will be.
In general, there is no special diet that is proven by scientific data that can prevent the onset of a CF-related diabetes. It is recommended to do an oral glucose tolerance test yearly at the check-up at the CF center for children over 10 years of age. If the glucose tolerance starts to be impaired, then rapidly absorbed carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides) should be reduced or at least taken in together with a whole meal.
As an early diagnose is very important, you as parents can observe your child well, if it loses weight, does not thrive, is tired, exhausted and cannot concentrate well. Then contact your CF-physician to check the blood glucose or even do an oral glucose tolerance test.
Regular exercising, participation in sports, or some kind of physical activity (e.g. walking) is doubltess favourable in any case and may probably also have a preventive effect on the onset of a diabetes.
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis and Dr. D. d'Alquen