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moving to Germany


my son has cystic fibrosis and is treated in France since birth. My husband will be transferred to Germany and I want to know whether he can be followed there knowing that I do not speak any German?
thank you for your response
The management of cystic fibrosis is very similar in Germany than it is in France, except perhaps the realization of chest physiotherapy by private physiotherapist. Of course, changing CF team and CF centre, especially since it is accompanied by a change of country and thus the social security system, should be organized in advance.
I encourage you to contact the German Association who can provide information on the best health care facilities, care, home care ... This is the email address of a German representative of the patient organisation who reads French and agreed to help you in any way she can [adress was left out by the ECORN-coordinator].

It is certainly helpful that you collect the following information before you contact her: where will your family be transferred, what kind of medical support will you have, treatments received by your son...

I wish you a rewarding experience in Germany,
Dr. Sophie Ravilly