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Lung Clearance Index-European location

Dear questioner,
First of all thank you for your prompt answer. I am interested in taking the Lung Clearance Index test in a European country where we can comunicate in english/french and where it isn’t so expensive. I am thinking first of Vienna or Spain (if we can comunicate in english) or somewere in France. It is important that they accept foreign patients. Thank you. Happy holidays.
I am sorry about this delay, but I have been trying to find an answer to your question. For now, I can only say that there are very few clinics that make this evaluation in Europe; this test is used mostly in research. One of the reference centers is at the Royal Brompton Hospital, the department run by Prof Janet Stocks. Another center is in Sweden, in Göteborg, Dr.P M Gustafsson, Department of Paediatric Clinical Physiology, Queen Silvia Childreńs Hospital. In Paris: Unité Fonctionnelle de Pneumologie, Hôpital Robert Debré, Mrs Nicole Beydon. For Spain I am still searching. I will send you more informations as soon as possible.
Best regards, Ioana Popa