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Getting pregnant with CF -2-


1. I would like to know, since you keep hearing different things about this, whether it is true that women with CF show a decline in lung function which they cannot recover due to a pregnancy.
2. Which type of sports should one do during pregnancy and how often in order to keep the lungs in shape?

Many thanks!
[NOTE: Even though the title oft his question (“…-2-“) suggests that this is a follow-up question, we were not able to trace a potential first question that this one refers to. Therefore the answer will be based only on the information provided in this question.]


Concerning your first point: during pregnancy, lung function declines in all women, even in those who are healthy. Among other things, this is due to the fact that the diaphragm is pushed up and breathing thus simply becomes more difficult. Healthy women realize this under stress; those with a lung disease notice it even more, of course. This is also one reason why doctors advise against a pregnancy from a certain level of lung function limitation onwards. However, even as a CF patient you do not really lose lung volume during a normal pregnancy; it returns afterwards if you behave accordingly.

Which brings us to your second point: It is important to be monitored at close intervals during pregnancy both at the CF clinic and by a gynaecologist in order to be able to react promptly in case of infections or complications. Sports, exercise, etc. should also be discussed with the CF team; of course, this also depends on the health status of the patient. In principle, there are no objections to the pregnancy exercise other women do too and, of course, the usual CF therapy with inhalation and physiotherapy should be followed intensively. If you keep this in mind, nothing should stand in the way of a normal pregnancy.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Joachim Bargon