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Menopause and hormone replacement therapy in CF


Which modifications of the disease can menopause cause (I am 53 years old)? Would a hormone replacement therapy have positive or negative effects?

Dear questioner,

The so called climacteric period (menopause) usually starts when women are around 50 years old. In this age the production of female hormons is decreasing. The hormonal changes can cause problems like hot flashes, unregular menstrual cycle, sleep disorders, depressions, tiredness, headaches, etc. Depending on how intense these problems are they can also make the underlying disease (CF) more complicated. Usually additional symptoms occur leading to further problems which may lead to the impression that the CF-related problems are more pronounced. Depending on the itensity of the problems it has to be decided on an individual basis about a hormonal therapy. A hormone replacement therapy coming into question in this case would have no direct effect on CF. A therapeutical use of female hormons has to be discussed necessarily with your gynecologist and your CF doctor.

Best regards,
Dr. Christina Smaczny